Tag Archives: coaching

Happy New Year

Hope the new year finds you happy, healthy and prosperous. Thanks to all of you whom have given so much support to me, my practice, my blogs and my new projects. Your support has been amazing.

My homework book is being edited and will be available later this month. your going to love it. The long promised parent coaching and support program will launch along with the book. Register early as an “insider” and get the best monthly rate. The rates will go up 3 months after the launch. Send me and email to express interest, jbhudome@comcast.net.

More video to come over the weekend. I’m home today and plan to watch Penn State in the Rose Bowl. My daughter attends Penn State and has friends coming over. Love the energy of the college age group. Go Lions.

Dr. John


Filed under Child, childcare, Children, Family, homework, Parenting, psychology, Uncategorized